

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Finally, Spring, but now it's gone again

Saturday was by far the closest to Spring-type weather we've had. Sunny and warm for the most part. Lyndsey and I started the day off on Blanchard Mountain for a change of pace.

Lynz not so stoking on the steep, wet 2 hour climb

Mustering a smile

Still not fun yet

Not yet

Okay, now it's fun!
Kyle of Transition Bikes called up just in time for me to catch a second ride for the day. Conflicting schedules keep us from getting together as often as we'd like, so with weather like this I jumped at the chance to take a rip with him.
Kyle dropping in

Myself over the road gap

Kyle over the road gap

Kyle on a hairball rock face
Now the weather is back to the normal wet/dreariness of the Pacific Northwest. Boooooo.


Anonymous said...

f u pacific northwest! the sweet pictures keep coming. hairball rock face looks incredible

Smoke said...

I think SOMEONE got a fisheye lens recently.

surly_an_instigator said...

ohhhhh, a fish eye, whew I thought I was drunk again at 9am. great photos as usual there WW.

The Reverend said...

In 17 years of riding Blanchard (mostly at night) it rarely fails to please... that said, this winter has rendered it pretty much inaccessible for long periods. With the weather this week though, it should be back to its usual smile inducing self. The view from the Oyster Dome alone is worth the climb, the descent (5 miles!) is frosting on an already satisfying cake. Any bike, any day this trail (Lily-Lizard Lakes to Oyster Dome) will make you smile as the natural terrain rips by. (Keep an eye out for the presents the horses leave.)